John Vigor getting it right…
…and hitting a home run.
…and hitting a home run.
This is seriously cool… But wait till you see the interior… Not too shabby for 29-feet…
So… The Columbia 26 MK2’s rig works. Not a lot of ways you could actually improve it and if I came across one with a rig in good shape I’d leave it just like it is. Really. It does not need bigger more expensive winches, have it’s lines led aft to the cockpit, or a …
I’m a big believer of the old adage of “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and that very much goes for the Columbia 26 MK2… That said, there are some issues that I think are needful to deal with if you’re going to make the C26 your VolksCruiser of choice and they are mainly …
Wow… It’s funny how some posts will fill up the mailbag and it would seem a lot of folks are interested in my thoughts on turning a Columbia 26 into a VolksCruiser. On the other hand, a lot of folks also wrote to tell me that the Columbia 26 was just too small because they …
A friend and I have been discussing an idea I have for rehabbing an old small classic plastic design and turning it into a VolksCruiser… The boat in question happens to be a Columbia 26. As it happens I’ve always liked the Columbia 26… Studying the current crop of the C26 for sale floating around, …
Five, count them, five good reasons you need to be reading Comet Camper. Got to love the attitude…
Here’s the first footage I’ve come across of the Barros Pop 25 floating right side up and sailing… Plus here’s some in depth coverage from the Brazilian Nautica magazine on the Pop 25 with English synopsis (though Google translate might be a help for those who are Portugese challenged).
Here’s someone who is seriously rocking the beer can stove envelope!