Just the sort of testing/writing we need more of…
Practical Boat Owner tests the junk and Bermudean rig the way it should be done… Good stuff and you can read it online here.
Practical Boat Owner tests the junk and Bermudean rig the way it should be done… Good stuff and you can read it online here.
Time’s a funny thing… Way back when, I woke up one morning knowing I wanted to move on to a boat…Funny how shit like that happens. The thing is, at the time, living on a boat and cruising was in no way a popular or hip thing to do. In fact, if you were doing …
Did you know you can now buy plans for the Skrowl and other neat designs from the Yann Quenet stable? You still here?
Here’s a glimpse of the interior accommodation… What Tad has to say about it… From the transom, four feet of cockpit with outboard well in the sole. Storage lockers port and starboard under the seats, each one is 24 cubic feet. A large locker under the forward cockpit sole, for gas cans, spare outboard, crab …
So, what about that Tad Robert’s scow cat schooner? Read More »
So, back to the Columbia 26. As the previously mentioned list shows, there is really not a lot I’d change but a couple of things do come to mind. Mainly the rudder, propulsion system, and rig. Today, because they are somewhat related projects, we’ll focus a little on propulsion and the rudder. Having looked at …
STUPID! The other day I bought a pair of industrial shears designed for cutting hard to cut stuff like Kevlar and Dux for just shy of twenty bucks ($16.47 to be precise). This morning I happened to see the very same shears for sale at an online purveyor of boat stuff being sold for nearly …
Comet Camper making a whole lot of sense.
The big problem on my boat is guitar stowage… I mention this because everybody I know has a stowage problem with some non-marine stuff whether it be guitars, books, art supplies, stuffed animals, or other non-boat specific stuff that you really need around to make your boat… Home Of course, a lot of folks …
Over at Proa File they’re talking crab claw rig and you might want to check it out.
So, after giving the Columbia 26 a lot of thought, I’ve come up with a short list of things I’d do to make it just that little bit more VolksCruiserish… Interior DIY composting toilet Rebuild/replace the dinette with a Buehler inspired one Figure out a cunning plan to make the galley bettter (spelled add worktop …