Today’s task…

I really should quit reading the news in the morning. Now, what I really want to do this morning is to build some trolling lures. I could sit in the cockpit and cobble fish seducing works of art while listening to some great music. That would be right in the middle of one of my …

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I have to admit I really don’t like internal combustion engines when they are part of a sailboat. Partly because they’re dirty foul things that take a disproportionate chunk of the cost of owning a boat. I mention this because I recently caught a review of a Sigmadrive unit that made a strong case for …

TFH*… Read More »

Aw fuck…

I know how I feel but Chuck Wendig says it so much better than I can so you should read his take on this whole damn clusterfuck. For the future, as it stands, VolksCruiser is going to be mostly about lifeboats and getting gone. Deal with that however you care to.

dealing with the list…

As it happens, my project lists have become so unmanageable it’s just time to circular-file them and start anew. Or, in other words, get a just-the-basics need/want list that makes sense. For starters, I’ll be doing something different and narrow the number of projects on the list to ten items because “ten” is a doable …

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