Things that work

About all wire not exactly being equal…

The current issue of WoodenBoat has a really good article about using galvanized wire for rigging… I mention this because I just spent a kiss over $50 each for four new 1/2″ stainless turnbuckles which, while cheap for stainless, it did not escape my notice that galvanized turnbuckles were a whole lot cheaper. Which underlines …

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More needful stuff…

Did you know that Dung beetles can navigate using the stars? You might want to remember that when someone tells you celestial navigation is an esoteric art too difficult to learn. So, with that little factoid bouncing around your brain pan, maybe we should look at needful navigation stuff for the VolksCruising set… Obviously, being …

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Talking about that list of needful stuff

Not all that long ago, having a VHF radio aboard was considered something of unneeded luxury. Fact of the matter is, I recall quite vividly a certain British yachting magazine doing a frothing-at-the-mouth editorial about how the introduction of affordable VHF would rot the sinews of seamanship… How times do change. Today I can still …

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