
a surprising 28-footer…

I’ll go out on a limb and say the driving force behind designing a scow is getting the most useable volume possible within a small envelope while cutting costs in the process. So, here’s a very interesting 28-foot scow. The l’Optimum 28 by Gildas Plessis shows how you can sorta/kinda put the accommodation of a …

a surprising 28-footer… Read More »

so, a scow…

Back when I was living on a non-mobile peniche on the outskirts of Paris (1985) I really wanted to build a small cruising sailboat just about the same time that Tad Roberts got a mention in Cruising World for his Harry design. It was love at first sight. A scow with an LOA of 26′, …

so, a scow… Read More »

another design in the same vein…

Yann Quenet’s Skrowl 900 is something of a TARDIS when it comes to the most livability and comfort in a minimal envelope (just under 30-feet) shoal draft world cruiser. Pretty much everything I want in my next boat. 

Big Frelling Skrowl…

Yes, a thirty foot Skrowl… “Un bateau de 9m pour l’habitabilité d’un 11m, les performances d’un 10m, le coût d’un 8m et le temps de construction d’un 7m…”— Yann Quenet