Simple to the max…
While not a sailboat, there’s a lot to be said for this exercise in simplicity… Anyone come across a Vespa powered sailboat?
While not a sailboat, there’s a lot to be said for this exercise in simplicity… Anyone come across a Vespa powered sailboat?
Lectronic Latitude has a better than most article on the Anchor-out situation in Sausalito which is well worth reading. The fact is that the spinoff from situations like this have a nasty habit of affecting all of us on boats in surprising ways so best to keep abreast of what’s going on.
For some folks, the whole idea of a boat as a home is a tough concept to get their head around and I can’t bother to explain it to them. I expect since you’re here that you get the concept in some shape or form and because it interests you. Then again, maybe you’re here …
I’ve gotten to the point that when someone writes me and says to check out a new YouTube channel I pretty much prepare for the worst. So, when a friend dropped me a line a while back and said I should really check out “Sailing Blowin’ in the Wind” I wasn’t exactly filled with enthusiasm. …
A family of six on an engineless Ericson 28. Most certainly a channel I’ll be following.
Watch the whole film here.
A reader mentioned something the other day and it’s been buzzing around in the back of my mind ever since… “For most, cruising IS unsustainable both monetarily and psychologically.” As it happens, I have to admit that he’s right but the proviso “For most” means there are exceptions and, if you’re reading VolksCruiser, there’s a …
The joys of a full mailbox! Apparently the $500 a month cruising budget really gets folks all kind of excited…. So, here’s the thing whether you have a CAL 20, a Catalina 36, or insert whatever your VolksCruiser of choice happens to be, cruising on $500 a month in a sustainable fashion is going to …
Spelling out the important stuff and more about the $500-a-month cruising budget… Read More »
Lately, researching nomadic cultures, I’ve discovered that most of the material available on the web regarding subjects of a nomadic nature are all about travel. While travels or movement is certainly a part of the nomadic experience, travel for the sake of travel is not really what it’s all about… that’s called being a tourist. …