Living small

A 12-volt boat…

A good portion of yesterday’s toil aboard the Islander had to do with the AC electric side of things which left me hot, sweaty, tired and perplexed. Perplexed because I’ve always been a minimalist where AC on boats is concerned so making sense of a non-traditional AC system of the previous owner’s design left me …

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a quick note…

There’s a video series of a VolksCruiser vibe from Dave Z and Anke (Yep, those Trilo boat folk) you really should be watching. You’re still here?

rollings stones…

The biggest issue confronting frugal cruisers is that, for the most part, no one really wants to have anything to do with us. We don’t quite fit the official model of what a modern cruiser is supposed to be and therein lies a big part of the problem in that we are just that little …

rollings stones… Read More »

on down vs right…

It’s been pointed out to me recently that my interest in buying an old classic plastic catamaran could be all sorts of problematic. The fact that a small cat is small, has less room for stuff, and is disadvantageous in terms of carrying weight, is not something I was unaware of. The funny thing was …

on down vs right… Read More »

size really does matter…

While perusing the news this morning, I noticed something of a theme relating to size. First, there was a piece in the Times about Mega yachts, Fortune had an article about bigger than prudent profits, and then there was this palate cleanser about a 50,000-egg omelet, which sorta/kinda got me thinking about VolksCruiser size and …

size really does matter… Read More »

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