Author name: RLW

I'm never sure whether to describe myself as a film maker who sails or a sailor/boatbuilder who makes films...Either way I'm a pretty happy camper when all is said and done.

an apt quote…

“The more you know, the less you need.”                                        -Yvon Chouinard Is it just me or does that quote pretty much give away the secret of successful VolksCruising?

about that list…

I’m pretty sure what  appeals to a lot of people in the whole sailing off into the sunset scenario has a lot to do with, depending on your social perspective, either freedom or escape. What was it Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster had to say on the subject of freedom? “Freedom’s just another word for …

about that list… Read More »

a good book…

Just maybe, the most influential book I’ve read relating to boats, boatbuilding, and cruising is not a book about boats or sailing at all… John Muir was a smart guy, a man who understood the importance of breaking things down to basic elements, and someone who never let someone else telling him something was simply …

a good book… Read More »


The other day I noticed there was a Bolger sharpie for sale up in Alaska on Craig’s list… It got me thinking. First the idea of buying a boat for cheap up in Alaska, sailing it around for the season, and then selling it or even giving it away makes for an extremely cheap five …

Camping… Read More »

Some more volkscruiser proa news…

Michael Schacht of ProaFile has released a couple of interior renderings of “Herbie” his new in-progress proa design… Better yet, he’s hinted that a forty-foot version which, I expect, has some folks (myself included) doing the happy dance. For more info check out the continuing thread…

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