Well, you might get lucky…

I recently read an article on a blog about a pretty interesting inflatable with a sailing rig not too unlike the old Tinker Tramp in concept…

… but without the life raft elements. It caught my interest until I noticed that the article in question was of the sponsored sort and I realized that said boat would cost nearly $4000 or more (if you get a motor) by the time you got it to your boat.

Obviously way out of the price range of the average VolksCruiser budget…

Fact is most all good inflatables are too expensive and, as they need motors, they’re never going to be first choice for a lot of us unless you find a good deal so DIY dinghies are pretty much the way to go.

That said, I still keep my  eye out for a Tinker Tramp bargain whenever I’m at a marine flea market…

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