an educational conundrum…

I find it interesting that in the sailing world so much emphasis is devoted to having the best of the best and how little emphasis there is the the process of learning how to use it…

So, just why is sailing education so unpopular here in the states? People take classes to learn to ski or scuba dive but as for sailing it seems to be more of a I don’t need to take any stinking lessons attitude.

Most of my French friends who sail and cruise went to GlĂ©nans or a reasonable facsimile and most of my British friends have done RYA courses…

And, you know what? It shows.


Most folks flying the stars and stripes however never take a class and if they do it’s the bare minimum requirement that gives them a piece of paper to show the bareboat folk. Sort of a somewhat problematic state of affairs…

I suspect, part of the problem is that there is not a good umbrella educational system akin to the RYA in the US of A but that does not mean there is not a good local or convenient class that folks could take… you just need to ask around.

That said, learning how to do something right is never a bad way to get started, especially for folks of a VolksCruising bent.

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