dollars and cents…

Have you ever noticed the difference in reaction you get when you talk about how little you spend on boat stuff rather than how much? I don’t know about you but the obsession with money as a measure of utility, value, or quality really gets up my nose…

On the other side of the coin, I find the cheap is better thought process just as irksome because there are a lot of crap derelicts-waiting-to-happen boats floating about. So, just because you find a dirt cheap boat does not make it a VolksCruiser or mean you should buy it.

A VolksCruiser is not simply about being cheap it’s about being seaworthy, simple, affordable, and sustainable. Trust me there’s a big difference.

A couple of days back someone wrote to point out a great deal (less than $2K) on an Ericson 27 and it appeared to be in very good shape… The appeal of the boat was not that it was cheap but because the boat was a good design in great shape and cheap.

The Ericson 27 which ranges normally between $5K to $13K is a well built little boat which is very much a VolksCruiser as it stands. But, it is a VolkCruiser because it is a good affordable boat that will do the job and not just because it’s cheap.

That said, getting a good boat for less is no bad thing either…

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