Scalzi with a good post on billionaires/boycotts, Ian Welsh saying what we should already know, and over in the “REMF” department…
I’m finding it difficult to continue doing what I need to do with crap like this raining down on our parade. For instance, yesterday’s task (installing a couple of solar controllers) should have been dead simple but the elected felon’s plethora of evil just gets in the way of my concentration.
That said, the new solar controllers are now installed. I admit it was a kludge job and I will reinstall at a later date.
Running wires has never been my forte.

The new controllers are from Rich Solar and they are quite a bit better than the Renogy controllers they are replacing. That said, I’ve been using the Renogy controllers for some years and they were OK. I saw the Rich Solar units on sale and I bought three.
Of course, I’m sure there are even better controllers out there but, for me at least, the cost/performance factors involved put the Rich controller in the sweet spot for our needs.