Sundae musings…

About that observatory in Hawaii, some Caribbean related news, and in the “war and rumors of war” department…

Now that we have installed the new solar controllers that have a volts/amps readout, we discovered that our panels on the goalpost were under-performing by about 50%. Looking at the panels, it turns out that one of the pair was not producing any power at all. The apparent culprit, a failed connection, is an easy fix but it does underline that more information is never a bad thing.

These days, I’m spending a lot of time delving into the reality of cruising as someone from a pariah nation. Most of us from the USA take for granted that we can simply go wherever we want and that people will welcome us with open arms when we arrive. With our Felon-in-Chief alienating the world, we can expect the same treatment the USA gives its visitors. It’s only a matter of time.

Interesting times indeed.

On the other hand, it might be time to write a new sort of cruising guide…

World Cruising Routes for Pariah-Flagged Vessels -- A VolksCruiser publication

Might be a good day for some ice cream

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