Somewhat nervous making, an accessible future within our reach, and in the “the kind of news we need more of” department…
We finally got around to getting our FCC radio station license for the Islander. It’s a fairly simple exercise with the only issue is we’re now $185 poorer but, on the plus side, we don’t have to renew til 2035.
By the way, the FCC help line phone folk do a great job as do their USCG brethren. Having spent years abroad you soon realize just how well off we are with our US of A bureaucracy. You’ll really miss them if the Mango Mussolini succeeds in firing the pros who answer the phone.

Just sayin’
You pushed me into action by reminding me I needed to get his done so I my wallet is $185 lighter today.
On the plus side you only have to pay it once every ten years…