A needful read, an important question, and in the “really, I mean Really?“ department…
I’ve been considering adding a couple of cheek blocks to my masthead on the Islander. As I mentioned the other day, I’m partial to Garhauer gear. Anyway, I was thinking along the lines of this cheek block…

Now, while I’m not a huge fan of the riveted construction, it will work for my purpose and it’s affordable plus there’s currently a 10% discount so it seems doable.
That said, being that I really am frugal to a fault, I checked out similar sized cheek blocks on eBay. These days it seems that most of eBay’s sailing gear is not just priced too high but the bulk of it actually costs more than new gear. Seriously, why would anyone pay $70 for a used block when you can buy the very same block new for $37.62?
It makes my brain hurt.
Still, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again : do your homework when buying gear.