a slight change of focus…

EBM with a very good point, somewhat disturbing if you’re cruising or plan to cruise Baja, and in the “about time to cancel my subscription” department…

Prices for just about everything are predicted to go up bigly, so we’re going to change focus a bit. Since VolksCruiser is all about cruising on a limited budget, we’ll be concentrating on getting the most bang for your dwindling boat bucks.

You know, the ones that have Washington on them and not those $1K idiot boat bucks.

It would sure be nice if those who know of good deals, frugal workarounds, and resources, could share them with the VolksCruiser fraternity to cruise in a more affordable manner.

Right now, it would be great to have more info on cordage, bottom paint, and furlers, as well as simpatico sellers who don’t gouge.

More soon come…

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