boat yards & stealth cruising…

EBM with some bad news, gag orders, and some 1961 climate predictions

I need to haul-out some time in the not too distant future. Being on a budget, I’d prefer to find a simpatico yard with decent facilities that does not charge silly expensive prices.

With me so far?

Researching various yards here in the Caribbean is surprisingly problematic. They seldom answer emails, don’t answer their phones, and have out of date websites and confusing rate structures. Most available info isn’t helpful as folks use words like affordable, inexpensive, or expensive. None of which is helpful without knowing what defines those terms in real terms. That guy who spends $5K for a watch has a very different take on what’s affordable than someone who tells time with a $20 dollar Casio.

You know, someone like me.

On the other hand, frugal folks seldom get online and proclaim which yards are affordable either. Sure, they share the info with someone they know but it’s on the down-low when they do. The reason is that it’s counterproductive to promote an affordable boatyard to cheap Rolex-wearing “Yachties” who will distort the local economy resulting in more expensive haul-outs, costly labor, and a general erosion of quality work.

Having worked on and off in the marine trades, I’m aware that well off people of a certain ilk are horrible folks* to work for. They demand more, pay less, and treat people badly which turbo charges the rising price spiral. Which results in just another crappy expensive boatyard on the list to avoid.

Which is not to say that there are not scumbag owned/run boatyards out there. Sleazeballs do gravitate to the mostly piratical marine trades. A good independent yard is a very rare thing, akin to a purple unicorn.

We tend to keep sources of good service, affordable gear providers, and VolksCruiser friendly businesses to ourselves. It’s hard to come by information that should only be shared with those who won’t abuse it. Plus, almost always, such info is time sensitive so posting it becomes problematic in a big way down the line.

What’s affordable today won’t be affordable tomorrow is a good mantra to adopt.

Some more on the subject soon come…

*This ilk also has an annoying habit of being extremely bad at paying (BBNP– Big Boat No Pay) for services and think they can renegotiate their bill after the fact. Which is funny as I’ve never been stiffed by someone of modest means.

1 thought on “boat yards & stealth cruising…”

  1. Time Out Boat Yard, St. Martin. Had a great experience there 10 years ago. Fair prices, great crew, good yard culture, and nice central location. Can’t say how they are after Maria, but they still seem to be around. If Paula is still running the show, then it’s a tight ship and she will respond to inquiries.

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