I’ve never been much of a fan of cruising to a schedule and planning long voyages just makes my head hurt. Yeah, I’m looking at you Jimmy Cornell.

Trying to make sense of getting to where I want to go from where I happen to be at the moment can be problematic (at best). Throw in the fact that most countries’ bureaucracy just don’t factor in the physical and time constraints when dealing with folks on a sailboat and you have the sort of higher math that very well could make your head explode.
Now, while Jimmy Cornell’s excellent resources (World Cruising Routes, World Voyage Planner, World Cruising Destinations and the Noonsite website) give you most all of the information you need, however, actually planning a voyage tends to morph into an unsolvable conundrum providing you don’t want to go where everyone else wants to go.
Sorta/kinda makes me wish that John (How to Keep Your VW Alive) Muir wrote a world cruising guide…
Meanwhile, Dick Dorworth is still making sense.
Entry rules to some places can be a PITA. Seeing as how exceptions are made for the few people who HAVE to stop for either an emergency, weather or some such, then immigration “should” be able to process a short term visitor on the spot. Though these days, im pretty sure there might also be a significant “processing fee”.
Its not like sailboats are jet planes with specific airport destinations, and even jet planes can often be re-routed. The idea of getting an entry visa 6 months in advance really takes away from the freedom of cruising, I think……..or im just getting old and cantankerous.