a plywood and PVC windvane…

You might want to check out.

Sensible, simple, and cheap. Better yet, it should cost you less than $60 or so in materials and a couple of days of work. Considering that the cost of used vane gears (Aries, Navik, Windpilot, Atoms, Hasler, etc) are getting more expensive and hard to find, this gear makes a lot of sense.

As it happens I’ll be building one and might even make a film of the process. More on that as it happens…

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2 thoughts on “a plywood and PVC windvane…”

  1. I have had this stashed away in a “favorites” list, as it would work with a ketch/yawl mizzen. I had noticed also that “waverover” and his Mk3, vane was also low profile and seems to work ok. I recall being in awe of Navik gears when they first appeared, way more powerfull than my direct vane-to-tiller set up at the time.

    1. IMHO the Navik is easily the best production vane gear around. Being light, compact and powerful for not a lot of money. The trim tab on the paddle acts as a force multiplier that lets them punch harder than their weight class would suggest.

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