One of the reasons we bought our Islander 36 was because it ticked the same needs as the Dufour 35.

For comparison here’s the islander 36…

As far as the numbers go they’re very similar and if you want to check them out you can find them here for the Dufour and Islander at Sailboat Data (a very handy site for info on boats of a VolksCruiserish persuasion).
Cruising World also had an interesting article on the Dufour 35 you might want to read to get an owners perspective.
A quick look around the web tells me that the Islander is a better deal as there do not seem to be a lot of Dufour 35’s for sale and, where available they seem to be a bit pricier than the Islander 36. Still, either boat will take you wherever you want to go.
Need I say more?
The Islander looks like a Contessa 32 on steroids……a good offshore boat.
The Islander comes closer to the ideals designer George Buehler would recommend except George would have a larger Galley and less beds…