another year gone bye…

So, it would seem, that I now have all the bits to finish the exhaust and, hopefully, will be able to take the engine off the to-do list. Truth be told, the last thing I want to do in the coming new year is anything engine related.

On the positive front, we will no longer be marina bound, mobile, and the Islander will be back at anchor which is a whole lot better than being stuck in an over priced trailer park.

The next step on the to-do list other than the myriad small jobs is sailing over to the Dominican Republic for an affordable haulout for new anti-fouling and perhaps a sedate dazzle paint job.

Let’s hope that the coming year is a bit more sane than the current shit show that we’ve all been forced to deal with and if there is one thing we all could use more of in the overall mix is a big dose of empathy.

We all deserve a better new year.

Oh yeah, a there’s a timely post by Chuck Wendig you might want to check out.

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