I mentioned earlier that I’d found an inexpensive stove that I was going to try on the Islander and it arrived yesterday. The stove in question is this one…

I’m actually pretty impressed. Inspecting the stove it appears that making it into a gimbaled stove will be non-problematic and at a cost of maybe ten or so dollars. The oven is of a reasonable size for a boat stove and the oven burner has a thermal gas cutoff in case the flame goes out. So far so good. The other two burners are not so protected but I don’t see that as being a problem as I never leave a stove unattended while cooking.
The body of the stove is painted sheet metal and I expect that it will, in time, begin to rust but considering that it only costs $219 the cost of replacing it every four years or so makes it still far and away much less expensive than any marine stove on the market.
So, color me a happy camper at the moment. I won’t get around to installing the stove for at least a couple of weeks and as soon as do I’ll let you know whether or not I’m still happy with the purchase.
By the way, Sailing Anarchy has a most excellent article regarding the recent passing of Tokitae that is well worth your time.
More soon come…
Im drawn immediately to the handle on the oven door, but what can you expect for that price? I have a 60 year old enamelled 2 burner, but technically illegal due to no “flame failure” device. The Origo spirit ovens are not very good, worse than a pressure parrafin oven. I will never be an Yrvind, eating one cold meal a day and have no cooking facilities at all.
The oven flame failure is the main thing. Twice I blew the oven door open on an old gas stove I had in my first yacht.