regarding hurricane plans…

Whenever a hurricane looks like it might ruin my day/week/month/year I do a quick CraigList search of possible boats to buy because, you know, shit happens. 

Call it my plan B but in the event of losing the boat in a serious storm my plan is to get out of Dodge on the first available flight in a hurry. I’ll be honest as the very last thing I want to do is be boatless /homeless in the aftermath of a storm.

For the last storm my short list of possible boats consisted of cheap boats that looked OK and floated right side up that were cheap enough to pay cash (under $5K) for and small enough to make any needful repairs quick and affordable. The bottom line is that the boats had to be able to cruise and flippable to sell at a profit when I’d had a chance to sort out the next So It Goes or Loose Moose.

In other words, all the boats on my list were VolksCruisers in the 24-30 foot range.

Lucky for me that there are lots of cheap boats in that size range which are not in bad condition and are inexpensive because the market is saturated and the cost of keeping a boat one is not using is a financial black hole the owners just want to escape.

More on a few of the boats I had on my list next time…

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