Speaking of VolksCruisers…

I’ve always thought that Bill Lapworth’s CAL 28 is a great boat. It’s always been on my nearly perfect VolksCruiser list as it embodies excellent performance, a good quality build, and it’s affordable.

As it happens, a new (to me at least) channel on YouTube recently did a video on a CAL 28 that’s for sale that you might want to check out.

Truth be told if that boat was down here I’d be all over it.

1 thought on “Speaking of VolksCruisers…”

  1. Thanks for sharing this one! I lived about a 1970 Cal 28 from 2002-2005. First "home" out of the Naval Academy whilst I did my nuclear training. Sailed it from Baltimore to Charleston, on to Amelia Island. While I wished for a bit more headroom from time-to-time (and knowing what I do now, I'd have worked harder at making a hard dodger for the companionway), she was an absolutely great boat!

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