Everywhere I look…

Just about everywhere I look there are opportunities to get afloat in good boats for not very much…

For instance, today over on Sailboat Listings there’s an Alberg 35 project boat with an asking price of $900. While it needs a lot of sweat equity and some money/materials thrown at it, considering that the lead in the keel alone is worth about $5K, that spells a seriously good deal just about anyway you care to look at it.

Well, maybe I should say a good deal for someone who’s smart and doesn’t just throw money at a project…

Sorta/kinda on the same subject; you really should be watching the Sailing Uma series because they’re fixing up a boat with minimal muss, fuss, and a lot of common sense. More importantly, they show just how even major project-killing repairs are really pretty simple and affordable if approached with the right (get out the grinder) attitude…

Definitely worth the time it takes to watch.

2 thoughts on “Everywhere I look…”

  1. Hi, I'm the guy who took on that Alberg 35 project boat, pictured here in your blog.
    I currently live on the boat. It's bulkheads had been cut out because they were rotted. I shaped new bulkheads out of marine ply and glassed them in. I steeped the mast and sailed it to New York, with only a trolling motor to help me. Anyways it worked… It had no motor… Old atomic 4 was ripped out. I'm currently repowering with an electronic inboard motor.

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