Stockholm Syndrome…

The other day while avoiding some needful sanding of fiberglass I found myself intrigued by one of those never ending threads on a forum about sailboat gear…

As usual, someone popped up and stated categorically that if something costs more it’s better and the old chestnut “you get what you pay for” is a stone cold fact.

Being bored by such stupidity (but still unwilling to sand fiberglass) I found myself reading another thread about anchoring rights (or lack of) in Florida and found myself confronted by another idiot person of strong opinion who seemed to think that rich people’s rights to an uncluttered view from their palatial shore side homes free of mythical derelict boats was more important than a boater’s right to anchor…

All of a sudden the idea of sanding fiberglass and the resulting itch waiting for me was looking a lot more entertaining than reading the forum in question.

Now, truth be told, I actually enjoy working on the boat and even sanding fiberglass, once I’ve actually got started it’s, if not enjoyable, at least a great way to clear your mind and think…

So, while sanding all of a sudden two words popped into my head.

All of as sudden I knew why so many otherwise smart people who sail and cruise tend to take the side of the 1%, greed heads, and exploiters even when it is against their own best interests…
Not a bad day when you come to think of it…
That bit of hull is now fairer, I have a bit of clarity on why a certain group of boaters seem to be idiots, and I’ve discovered that a little talcum powder makes the fiberglass itch a lot more bearable.
Nope, not a bad day at all.

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