a small suggestion for the new year…

Time’s a funny thing…

Way back when, I woke up one morning knowing I wanted to move on to a boat…Funny how shit like that happens.

The thing is, at the time, living on a boat and cruising was in no way a popular or hip thing to do. In fact, if you were doing it almost everybody you knew would have thought you were bat-shit crazy. On one level or another I suspect they might have been right.

Back then there was no real cruising community, no companies that catered to the needs or wants of cruisers, and no peer pressure of the “there is a one true path” sort to tell you you’re doing it all wrong. So, everyone pretty much made it up as they went along.

Now I wake up and it’s 2015 and, thinking about it, I’m just a little bit surprised that I’m still around to enjoy it. I’ve been lucky but, then again, a lot of my friends have not and the changing of the year always seems to add to the list of people far better than I who no longer grace Earth with their presence. But, as Captain Cloud once said… “The end, is always a new beginning…”

I digress… the point I’m here to make is if you actually want to go off and sail around the world (or just live afloat someplace out of the way) time, as they say, is a wasting and if you’re going to get with the program you’d better get with the program sooner rather than later.

Which leads us to my chosen mantra for 2015…

Don’t Wait…

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