A book that should be part of every VolksCruisers library…

I’ve been working on a better mast raising/lowering system for “So It Goes” and rereading all my various go to boatish books for whisps of cunning plans for ideas.

Have I mentioned of late what a great book Bruce Bingham’s “The Sailors Sketchbook” is?

One thing I like about it is there are no “Buy this” sort of projects anywhere to be found. All of the improvements and projects are DIY doable on a budget. Another is nearly all of the projects  (the cassette rack being the glaring exception) and ideas have stood up to the test of time and still make all kinds of sense.

As for the new better raising and lowereing system for our mast, that’s covered so well (pages 32-36) that there’s no need to look any further.

The one downside of the book is everytime I pick it up I find another perfect solution to another issue aboard so my job list never seems to get any shorter…

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